Finding Support: Resources for New Parents
The arrival of a new baby brings with it an array of changes and challenges, Including the need for various baby supplies, emotional transitions, and significant hormonal shifts for both parents.
Throughout the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, mothers and fathers may face a range of emotional and psychological symptoms. These can be associated with perinatal and postpartum disorders. Research indicates that approximately 1 in 7 women and 1 in 10 men will experience symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety.
The symptoms can vary widely and may include feelings of being overwhelmed, frequent crying spells, emotional detachment from the baby, and intense worries about the child’s well-being. Other common experiences include irritability, sadness, anger, fatigue, despair, and apathy.
Additionally, parents might notice changes in their appetite or sleep patterns that are not linked to the baby’s schedule. In some cases, they may even experience suicidal thoughts. It’s important to note that these perinatal and postpartum challenges can affect individuals across cultures. It can occur in first-time parents as well as those welcoming additional children into their families.
Beyond postpartum depression, there are several other mood disorders that can arise during the perinatal period. Including postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, and postpartum psychosis. These conditions can be profoundly distressing and can leave parents feeling scared and overwhelmed.
Our Approach
At Alliance Counseling Utah, we understand the complexities of these experiences, and we are here to provide the necessary support, treatment, and care during this significant time in your life.
Our team will work with you to explore and articulate your emotions and needs while helping you develop healthy coping strategies. Our goal is to facilitate healing for you, your family, and your precious new baby.
If you or a loved one are navigating these challenges, we encourage you to reach out for support. Contact us at 801-792-1150 today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a healthier and more balanced transition into parenthood.
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